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I’m currently working as a graduate data analyst at the Department of Education and Training, Victoria. In 2022, I completed my honours year in pure maths at Monash University, achieving first class honours. I have also completed an undergraduate double degree, majoring in pure maths and econometrics (also at Monash University). I have previously worked as a teaching associate at Monash University, instructing classes in algebra, calculus and discrete maths.

My honours research was in group theory, on minimum bases for permutation groups, with A/Prof. Heiko Dietrich and Dr Santiago Barrera Acevedo as my supervisors. I love sharing interesting things that I learn, and I hope that this blog will contain some epic content that you will enjoy! Feel free to join us on the unofficial Maths @ Monash Discord server!

My other passions include music (in particular Taylor Swift lol), transport, geography, history and science. One thing that I realised was that despite going into full-time work not directly related to my field of study, I am eternally grateful for this God-given opportunity to spend 2022 studying something I’m passionate about. The following verse helped me get through these bittersweet feelings at the end of my honours year:

“There is a time for everything,
        and a season for every activity under the heavens”
                — Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)

By the way, if you understand the meaning behind the blog icon… good job :D